I changed the wreath on my old window pane hanging on my living room wall with handmade sculpted sunflowers.

Summer is fast approaching us and on June 22nd, I will be off for the summer. Im grateful for the oppertunity to collect unemployment during this time so I can catch my breath, and create.
As much as I enjoy working with these difficult kids, (Gosh yall, theyre so challenged but all beautiful) & they are DIFFICULT, but I know Im making a difference because on one of the 2 days I took off recently, my assistant made me promise NEVER to take another day off!
Evidently, some of the younger kids, 4th,-8th graders, refused to come in the cafe, cuz Miss Kat wasnt there"!
Its funny because they complained that the food tasted funny cuz miss Kat didnt make it, but Miss Kat RARELY makes any of the food, my time spent there is all management, paperwork, trouble shooting, meeting with staff, parents , attending meetings, and cash that I work with. I only oversee the actual food prep.!
But I am upfront & very personal with the kids. One of them came to me with a very secretive teen pregnancy...OMGosh...the pressure, I loved her, hugged her, but gave her 2 days to tell the school nurse who is very cool...or we'd have to talk to someone together about it...(Thank Goodness, she took my suggestion)
But in all of my efforts, I do sadly and desperately miss the time creating, selling, gathering, networking, sharing and spending time at home with domestic pleasures and the friends Ive made online.
I am completely and absolutely drained beyond...doing much of anything other than throwing something on the grill, a shower, a load of laundry, an hour of TV (maybe) & off to bed to do it all again tomorrow!
The hubs has been working anywhere from 20-35 hours of OT which is equivalent to another part time job....so although weve been blessed, & are so grateful, we are both exhausted as we rebuild the financial ruin of 08.
I know I depended on the community & commeraderie friendships of kindred spirits, for prayers and support. I come back here hungry to reconnect, and refuel.
And saving the absolute best blessing to share for the very last....I am going to be a GRAMMIE in late June. My son and his wife are expecting "Nattie-Jo" Unfortunately, they live in NJ, a 5 hour car trip, and awaiting her arrival, it may as well be across the globe.
We were fortunate to surprize Lana, our DIL with a jack n Jill baby shower, last Saturday. We arrived under the fib that we were there to see their new home they purchased almost 2 years but never got a chance to see. but AHHHAAAA! that wasnt the only reason. It was a fabulous time. I am so proud of both of them. Their home is filled with love inside and out. Their story tucked in each little nook and cranny. I am swelled with pride for both of them.
Wll I am going to have another give-away soon to let everyone know Im back...but with the lesson that sometimes we need to make time for home...where the heart really is.
Happy Memorial day to all of our soldiers both past & present. You are my S/Heros.

So I have re-commited to come back & begin doing what I love so much which is spending some time with my friends here in Blog land...begin making at least one project a week. I have missed you deeply.
On May 3d, our company was challenged to wlk for hunger by "Foodshare" so Ronnie & I spent a very cloudy & rainy Sunday raising money for FoodShare.
Here a picture w/ me and the Hartford Moose on the Loose...
another picture of an old file box that was given to me for my files at work...after Lynne saw it painted she wanted it back. Silly girl thought she had a chance! HA! I dont remember the artist who designed the original, & I apologize, the angels inside are very different purpously, but I did use her awesome checkered round borders.

Then I lOVE this pillow I painted & quilted. This design is from an all time favorite painting mentor "Renee Mullins" who honored me & displayed a couple of my pieces I created from her awesome and whimsical designs on her website last year.

Then I lOVE this pillow I painted & quilted. This design is from an all time favorite painting mentor "Renee Mullins" who honored me & displayed a couple of my pieces I created from her awesome and whimsical designs on her website last year.
Ive decided to keep this one for myself, it really brightens up our sofa!